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Sotheby's International Realty on maailma kõige külastatavam luksuskinnisvara veebisait. Kui sooviksite, et teie kinnisvara oleks seal esindatud, siis usaldage oma kinnisvara müük meile.
Võtke ühendustHindame Teie aega - võtame teie kinnisvara müügikorralduse enda peale, alustades põhjalikust hinnastamisest, müügistrateegia loomisest - lõpetades professionaalse pildistamisega.
Oleme globaalselt kohalikud - koostame igale kinnisvarale individuaalse müügistrateegia ja esitleme seda nii kohalikul kui ka rahvusvahelisel tasandil.
Oleme osa võrgustikust, mis on esindatud 81 riigis/territooriumil - lisaks kohalikele kinnisvaraportaalidele ja kanalitele on meil väljund rohkem kui 80-sse rahvusvahelisse kanalisse sealhulgas suurimatele rahvusvahelistele veebilehtedele (näiteks Financial Times, James Edition, Luxury Estate, Juwai, Nikkei jne).
Oleme personaalsed ja kogenud - meie meeskonda kuuluvad aastatepikkuse kogemusega kinnisvara spetsialistid, kombineeritud kogemus ulatub 30+ aastat Eesti kinnisvaraturul osalemist.
I would like to thank you for services of the highest quality. I had the chance to work with you during both the selling and buying processes, and I was left amazed with your professionalism and the high standards of your service. Your assessment of opportunities, situational analysis, and support in the decision-making process was superb – thank you so much.
Tomas Tareilis
„Baltic Sotheby‘s International Realty“ team are professionals of their craft. The entire process was flawless, from the very first chat with the realtor to the signing of the rental agreement. The realtor that worked with us made excellent suggestions on how to sell or rent a property, and had a talent for knowing exactly how to communicate and present the property to strike a deal. We were in awe of her flexibility and absolute courage in negotiating the desired price for the property. The realtors thought outside the box to achieve results and satisfy my objectives. This team knows how to sell or rent a luxury property. They have no lack of clients and will fulfill your requests in a timely manner.
Arvydas Matulaitis
Võtame ühendust, et arutada teie kinnisvara müügiplaani.
We are really happy with this real estate agency’s performance. If you wish to sell a luxurious and expensive property, this is the place. The concept of the agency is wonderful, but its results would be far less impressive without the people working there. Even though we had our own photos of our property, the realtor that worked with us was excellent, and a professional photographer helped us to see our estate in a new light. We were resigned to waiting up to two years to find the right buyer, and I admit that her statement of “sold by the summer” sounded quite ridiculous at the time. However, it came to pass in just a few months... We are grateful for her entire team, and we will certainly ask for them the next time we need a realtor.
It makes sense to work with professionals in their field. That’s why I didn’t think twice about contacting Kristina Marčiulevičienė when we decided to sell our house. I trusted her abilities and experience, as well as the Sotheby's International Realty brand. I was glad to have worked with Kristina. Her insights, comments, and suggestions throughout the selling process were key to the successful sale of our property. Every contact we had with her was warm, attentive, and helpful. She took charge of the sales process from start to finish – from us signing the service agreement to the new owners receiving the keys! I would like to thank her once again and hope that she remains just as passionate and driven in her work!
Laura Soloveičikienė